Talks and posters

Date Talk Occasion Where given
* denotes remote conference


19th August The eADSR International Syn Fuels Conference Visakhapatnam, India
19th August High Temperature Nuclear Reactors International Syn Fuels Conference Visakhapatnam, India
4th April Uncertainties and School Summary Terascale Statistics School DESY,Hamburg
28th February Asymmetric Uncertainties Phystat Informal review Zoom*


23rd-25th August Lectures on Statistics 1 2 3 12th School on LHC physics NCP, Islamabad
21st Augusr Particle physics: thepries v.experiments 12th School on LHC physics NCP, Islamabad
15th Augusr MEBT update DAEdALUS meeting
3rd-6th July Lectures on Statistics 1 2 3 4 5 6 Terascale Statistics School DESY, Hamburg
26th April Asymmetric Errors BIRS workshop on Systematic Errors Banff
13th-17th March The R language   Neural Networks   Systematics 1   Systematics 2   Limits and discoveries 1 Online Statistics School Aachen*
7th March MEBT progress IsoDAR meeting


21st November Introduction to Systematic Errors LHCb Statistics meeting CERN*
16th November From Brainy Boffins to Cool Colliders: Changing the Public Image of Particle Physics Schuster Colloquium Manchester
May Statistics and Data Science 1 2 3 Cockcroft Institute Lectures Daresbury
12th May IsoDAR @ YEMILAB and its next-generation proton cyclotron video UK Accelerator Institute Seminars Daresbury*
18th March 100 Years of Particle Physics: 1932-2032 ISPAD2022 Islamabad*
14-16th March 3 talks on Statistics for HEP 1 2 3 ISPAD2022 Islamabad*


November 5 talks on Artificial Neural Networks pdfs at 1 2 3 4 5 and videos 1 2 3 4 5 CODATA School ICTP, Trieste*
8th September ADS Prospects and Requirements Video(mp4) Workshop on High Power Cyclotrons Snowmass*
3rd May Combining p-values: Fisher versus Stouffer LHCb Statistics meeting CERN*
1st March Handling Systematic Errors Video(Youtube)     STAR collaboration meeting Prague*


17th December Fits to Combined Datasets LHCb Group meeting Manchester*
14th December Systematic uncertainties fron several models: a need for guidance LHCb Statistics meeting CERN*
14th December Systematic uncertainties fron several models: a need for guidance LHCb Statistics meeting CERN*
13th November Merlin++: a flexible and feature-rich library for accelerator simulations COLUSM meeting CERN*
19th October Evaluating and reporting systematic uncertainties in flavour physics at the LHC   PHYSTAT-Flavour CERN*
8th September Neural Networks: Summary of the course CODATA-RDA Data Science School Video(mp4)     ICTP Trieste*
Neural Networks: Recent developments
Neural Networks: Teaching Neural Networks
6-10th July The R language and why you should be using it Terascale Statistics School DESY*
Systematic Errors(1); Finding Systematic Errors
Systematic Errors(2): Working with Systematic Errrs
Setting Limits and Making Discoveries
20th February Probability, Likelihood and Confidences LHCb Student meeting CERN


7th November Gene Expression Programming 5th ADSR & Thorium workshop Mol, Belgium
7th November The IsoDAR cyclotron design 5th ADSR & Thorium workshop Mol, Belgium
6th November Potential of MYRRHA with thorium fuel 5th ADSR & Thorium workshop Mol, Belgium
14-16th September Statistics for Particle Physics: the basics CERN ESHEP19 St Petersburg
Statistics for Particle Physics: Estimation and Errors
Statistics for Particle Physics: Setting Limits, claiming discoveries
1st July Limits on the Dark sector from BaBar PASCOS Manchester
11-14th March Statistics for Particle Physics: the basics ISPAD-2019 Islamabad
Statistics for Particle Physics: Estimation and Errors
How to Lie with Statistics for physicists and everyone
Statistics for Particle Physics: Setting Limits


February 5 lectures on GEANT 1 2 3 4 5 MSc course Huddersfield


8th June Making your programs faster IIAA Group Meeting Huddersfield


11th November Do thorium reactors need an accelerator? AccApp2015 Washington DC


11th November The two sample problem: use and abuse of the Kolmogorov test Statistics Meeting CERN
October 5 lectures on MAD 1 2 3 4 5 MSc course Huddersfield
16th December B-factory searches for light scalars and other new states 2nd topical meeting: Higgs to Dark Matter Geilo, Norway

Talks and posters from 2011-2019 can be found here

Date Talk Occasion Where given


December 22nd Accelerator Group Activities in 2010 Christmas Meeting Manchester
December 13-15 Lectures on Probability (odp, pdf), Fitting (odp, pdf) and Errors (odp, pdf) IDPASC school Sesimbra, Portugal
December 1st Simulating short range Wakefields XB2010 workshop Cockcroft
November 1st BASROC, CONFORM and ADSRs Scientific Advisory Committee Cockcroft
October 20th Some results from ThorEA pdf ppt Int. Thorium Energy Conf. Royal Institution, London
October 19th Towards an Alternatve Nuclear Future pdf ppt Int. Thorium Energy Conf. Royal Institution, London
October 18th The ThorEA organisation pdf ppt Int. Thorium Energy Conf. Royal Institution, London
October 18th Accelerators for ADSRs pdf ppt Int. Thorium Energy Conf. Royal Institution, London
September 15th EMMA at ALICE ALICE Stakeholders Meeting Daresbury
September 14th A lightweight GRID infrastucture using afs eScience All Hands Meeting Cardiff
September 13th PRISM and PRIME TAU2010 conference Manchester
September 8th Leptonic Decays of charged B mesons pdf and odp and writeup CKM2010 workshop Warwick
August 21st Treatment of Errors in the Analysis of Particle Physics Experiments pdf and odp Hadron Collider Physics Summer School 2010 Fermilab
August 20th Statistics, Probability and Likelihood pdf and odp and programs for homework Hadron Collider Physics Summer School 2010 Fermilab
July 7th What a Mark distribution tells us Teaching and Pedagogy meeting Manchester
July 2nd The Manchester Cockcroft Group School Research Lunch Manchester
June 19th The CONFORM project CONFORM open day Church House, Westminster
May The Conform Project Basic Technology Theme Day Manchester
April 12th Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactors IoP PAB group meeting Imperial College
April Experiences with a lightweight GRID infrastructure ising AFS pdf and Illustrator EGEE User Forum Uppsala
March 25th What we need for the LHC ppt and pdf Terascale Statistics School DESY
March 1st A Drift Chamber System for Muon Tomography ppt and pdf Applied Nucleonics Form Tracerco
February 25th Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactors IoP Branch Meeting Liverpool
January 5th How Accelerators can save the planet Annual group meeting Manchester


October 20th ADSR activity in the UK High Power Proton Workshop Fermilab
October 15th Results from small numbers Bohr Lunch Manchester
October 11th Intervals and Limits Workshop on Advanced Statistical Methods in HEP Karlsruhe
September 24th ADSR activity in the UK FFAG09 Fermilab
September 14th Antimatter and press report Scibar Bollington
August 18th CALICE design and testbeam results (Not my own work, but presented for the CALICE collaboration) Lepton Photon Conference Hamburg
June 17th Simulating LHC collimation EuCARD kickoff CERN
June 10th nsFFAGs and ADSRs Seminar Lancaster
May 25th Antimatter Scibar Didsbury
May 25th LHC Backgrounds LHCb week CERN
May 11th Welcome and introduction CONFORM openday Daresbury
April 17th Future plans ThorEA meeting Huddersfield
April 17th What is an nsFFAG? ThorEA meeting Huddersfield
April 1st Tau physics with Babar UK BaBarFest QMUL
February 24th EMMA ALICE stakeholder meeting Cockcroft
February 11th EMMA, BASROC, Hadron therapy and ADSRS STFC Review Cockcroft


October 15th Resistive Collimator Wakefields CLIC08 CERN
September 16th ADSR Systems DIUS visit Manchester
September 9th Proliferation and ADSR systems ADSR08 Manchester
September 4th ADSR UK activity FFAG08 Manchester
July 28th ADSR + FFAG future plans 3rd FFAG workshop Cockcroft
July 28th Computation of Resistive Wakefields Wakefields Interest Group Cockcroft
May 1st ADSRs and FFAGs Aker Kvaerner
April 8th BASROC and CONFORM Muon Source Workshop Cockcroft
March 20th Detecting Particles Masterclass Manchester
February 21st R HEP computing seminar Manchester
February 14th Collimator Wakefields in Merlin (for Adriana Bungau) MERLIN developers meeting DESY
February 11th Probability: Bayesian versus Frequentist and why it matters Seminar Ecole Polytechnique
January 7th ADSRs and FFAGs ADSR workshop Daresbury


December 20-21 My year for Accelerators , eScience , BaBar and The Group Group Annual meeting Manchester
December 13th Some Wakefield issues LET workshop SLAC
December 6th Accelerator Science EPSRC visit Manchester
November 29th Deconvolution of a Causal Signal Wakefield Interest Group Cockcroft
November 26th CONFORM Scientific Advisory Committee Cockcroft
October 23rd Information for Simulations: Wakefields GDE Simulation Kickoff Meting Fermilab
October 15th Reconstructing Delta Wakes from Bunch Wakes COLSIM Meeting CERN
October 11th Results from Small Numbers Seminar Warwick
September 26th Results from Small Numbers Seminar Manchester
September 19th CONFORM Project Management Committee Cockcroft
September 7th Manchester and STFC and Particle Physics STFC visit Manchester
July Welcome to Manchester SuperNEMO meeting Manchester
June 28th Delta Wakes from Bunch Wakes (THPAN081 Paper and Poster) PAC 2007 Albuquerque
June 28th The CONFORM project (THPMN078 Paper and Poster) PAC 2007 Albuquerque
May 15th ILC collimator wakefield studies Wakefield workshop Daresbury
May 3rd The CONFORM project BASROC launch Daresbury
May 1st Particle Physics and eScience eSNW e-Science showcase Manchester
March 20th BaBar and the Grid GridPP18 Glasgow
March 1st From Bunch to Delta wakes Eurotev COLSIM meeting CERN


December Status reports on Babar, Accelerators and The Manchester Group Christmas Meeting Manchester
December 4th Manchester and some collimation results Eurotev COLSIM meeting CERN
November 22nd EMMA - the first NS-FFAG Cockcroft SAC Daresbury
October 25th The Higgs Boson: what it is and how to find it Seminar UCLAN
October 2nd Results from small numbers Seminar QMUL
August pdf Lecture 1 , 2 , 3 , odp Lecture 1 , 2 , 3 SLUO lectures on confidence levels SLAC
July Rare B and tau decays and searches for New Physics Talk and Write-up ICHEP plenary talk Moscow
July 16th Limits from several channels; chi squared and significance BIRS workshop on statistics Banff
June 21st chi squared and sigma BaBar Collaboration Meeting Montreal
June MLR significance just thoughts
April FFAG bid Basic Technology Fund
February PHYSTAT: Making the most of statistical techniques Article CERN Courier
12 January Some Wakefield Studies Cockcroft All Hand Meeting Daresbury
10 January Everything you always wanted to know about limits YETI Durham
6 January Group Review of 2005/6 Annual Group Meeting Manchester
4 January Personal Review of 2005 Annual Group Meeting Manchester


9 December Plans for HEPP2007 EPS HEPP committee meeting CERN
16 November Developments in Bayesian Priors IoP Half day meeting on Statistics Manchester
3 November Collimators (for Adam Mercer) Collimator Meeting Daresbury
3 November More about Wakefields Collimator Meeting Daresbury
12 October CALICE: UK plans CALICE Collaboration Meeting DESY
September What happens at CERN? Schools talk Altrincham
12 September Asymmetric Statistical Errors PHYSTAT05 Oxford
9 September CALICE: WP4 - Thermal and Mechanical CALICE UK Meeting Cambridge
13 July The BbgUtils package BabarGrid Meeting Ferrara
7 July Wake Fields and Collimators LC-ABD Meeting Cambridge
5 July babar and the grid GridPP 13 Durham
28 June Group computing Strategy PP Group Meeting Manchester
27 June PPARC Science at Manchester Northern Way Meeting Leeds
May Wakefields in High Energy beams(poster) PAC05 Knoxville
May Predicting PEP-II accelerator induced backgrounds with LPTURTLE(poster) PAC05 Knoxville
April tau to pi+- pi+ pi- pi0 nu BaBar meeting Durham
January Personal Review of 2004 Group Christmas Meeting Manchester

Old talks 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004

More on my SLAC website